Monday, March 19, 2007


Last Sunday, Chief and I watched "300." We have not seen a movie since we saw "Night at the Museum" at MOA a few weeks ago. "300" was a great movie and worth every popcorn. It is about fighting for one's land and country. Standing up for what one believes is right even if it is not popular. Fighting side by side with friends. Protecting one's family from harm and death. Chief and I left Greenbelt 5 Cinema a little teary-eyed.

The movie reminds me of "Gladiator" with Russel Crowe. Easily, he could have played the lead role. And the last death scene also reminds me of the death scene of Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe in the "Last Samurai."

The color and cinematography gives life to the an epic battle of Spartans against Persians. It just like the graphic novel came to life with sound and motion.

I remember King Leonidas last words, "It is an honor to have lived besides you." as he spoke to a dying Spartan before the rain of arrows fell down upon the remaining Spartans.

Would I watch it again? Yes, given the chance. Cheers to Frank Miller!

But, I would also like to read the graphic novel.

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