Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tigers of Zoofari

It was Rafa’s second trip to Subic. Last year, we took these steps with Max and Grace and Kai. And we explored the dolphins at Ocean Adventure. Although, Rafa was a little afraid of the dolphins. Maybe, as he grows older, he would learn to appreciate these intelligent dolphins.

Last week, we took the steps around Subic with Rene Bernal and Nady Nacario. We arrived late Thursday afternoon at Binictican due to traffic along NLEX. Maybe, most Manilenos were heading to out of town for the long weekend.

We hit Zoofari Friday morning as we were expecting a big crowd on that day. True enough, it didn’t seem like Holy Friday here at Zoofari as families in all shapes, sizes and color were around Zoofari.

The day started with a short program and animal show. Not really interesting. No special tricks that one hasn’t probably seen around. Plus, there was little audience participation. And those who did get a chance to go on stage got discount coupons. Not really an attractive incentive.

The safari ride in an enclosed jeep was a long wait after long walks around the zoo under the heat of the sun. It was around noon when we were in the safari, which was really a small enclosed area.

Only one tiger was around waiting to be teased. Our guide convinced us to shed out 200 pesos (at one hundred pesos per group) so a chicken could be fed to the tiger who would teased to approach the grills of the jeep. But by this time, this tiger would have surely eaten his ____th chicken.

Do you think the tiger went to our jeep, growled at us or even jumped on the roof?

I read that tigers are territorial. They are also solitary animals which is probably why there were one or two tigers in the cages around Zoofar. Many of their kind have gone extinct.

Today, these tiger will long be in the mind of Rafael as it was his first up close and personal encounter with these “big cats.”

Photos by Nady Nacario and Rene Bernal

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