Saturday, July 21, 2007

Six babies plus Harry

It is a quiet Saturday morning here at Seattle’s Best, Rockwell. Chief is among the first Filipinos to read of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” She had pre-ordered the book, together with thousands other Filipinos and nearly 2.2 million who ordered on-line. Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Borders are reporting that more orders have been placed for this book than for any other in history. Publisher announced initial print run of 12 million copies.

Even on the “Today” Show, they showed footage of people staying in line… rather sleeping in line to be among the first to read the 7th book by J.K. Rowling.

This is the last book from Rowling. She completed the book while staying at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh in January 2007. On a marble bust of Hermes in her room, she left a signed statement that reads "JK Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room (652) on 11 January 2007".

Rowling also says that the final volume relates very closely to the previous book in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, so much so that the two books are "almost as though they are two halves of the same novel.

Reading today’s edition of the PDI, Pam Pastor reports (as she read an advanced copy of the book) that two characters are killed within the first 100 pages. Who? Am sure Chief will tell me after she reads these 100 pages.

Outside, two ladies are probably around Chapter 10 plus already. They probably have been around as early as past 7am, wanting to be the among the first Filipinos to finish the book. Even Chief has joined that race. Me? I would rather catch up on my blogs. Not really a Potter book fan. Would rather read some tech book, which reminds me that I have to finish the “Google Story.”

Also in the news, sextuplets were born last June 11 and made their presence felt in today’s issue of Phil. Daily Inquirer. The sextuplets named Savannah, Bailey, Grant, Cole, Molli and Blake, were born 7 weeks premature at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

Years from now, these 3 girls and 3 boys, will probably be watching reruns of all Harry Potter movies on HBO. Maybe, even our own little kid (hopefully, if Chief gets pregnant again?) would be watching these reruns?

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