Monday, July 30, 2007

Why I Like Sam Witwicky

Late this afternoon, I watched “Transformers” again, after Chief and I had “merienda” at McCafe. She says. “It is the first time that I have seen you watch a movie again.” And I replied, “I would like to see it again, before Wednesday.” Right now, “The Simpsons” have bumped off most of Harry Potter. Chief had already finished reading the 7th and last book by J.K. Rowling. We saw the 5th movie at Rockwell a couple of weeks ago.

Why am I watching Transformers again?

Maybe, because it is a Steven Spielberg produced movie. And directed by Michael Mann (who worked on the Miami Vice, one of my favorite TV shows). Maybe, because for a couple of hours, I want to be a kid again like Sam Witwicky who gets to drive his first car (like I had my first red Gemini year ago) and gets into an adventure of saving the world plus gets to impress Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes played by Megan Fox. Isn't she cute and sexy specially as she tries to fix "Bumblebee."

Maybe, I want to think of my dad again. I remember back in the late 90s, when my dad, my nephew and I used to go at the old Burger King (now closed) outlet along Sucat Avenue, Paranaque. Dad and I would read the newspaper while enjoying pancakes. Miguel would play. Miguel has grown up now and dad has moved on.

And of me being a dad with Christian Gabriel last year, and the endless possibilities of being a father and a parent.

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