Thursday, January 01, 2009

Finding Christ through a crisis

Last New Year’s Eve, we attended Mass at Makati Shangrila and heard Fr. Larry’s words about the holidays and the current economic crisis the world faces. He told the crowd to find Christ through the crisis. And must admit that those words caught my attention. Yup, there is a crisis brewing and people say that it was going to get worse before it gets any better. Hopefully not!

Guess, we should always be counting our blessings and appreciate these gifts from Christ, specially, the gift of family and friends… and of good health and a stable career. Chief and I have been blessed since we returned from Vietnam after our five year “tour of duty.”

We have been blessed with a tease of parenthood with Christian Gabriel who now watches over us. Often, when we are in desperate search of a parking slot in Greenbelt or Rockwell, we would call out to CG to help lead us to a vacant spot… and really, soon enough, we would find a space.

This year, we are still hopeful that Raphael will soon join our lives and get a rare experience parenthood again.

Through the celebration, Fr. Larry kept his sermon as simple and as relevant as possible, often giving reference to the current economic and political environment.

And we hope that after his sermon last Wednesday night, everyone has stronger faith that change will lead to better lives, specially, for those who have less in life.

Happy new year everyone!

1 comment:

Apryl said...


Hello from Alabama!!!

Thanks for visiting our blog. Come back anytime. My kids are always good at entertaining you for a few minutes. You have a beautiful family.
