Mom is home. She arrived this morning aboard a PAL flight (although if it were Chief and I, we would probably be traveling by Singapore Airlines) from Los Angeles, California. The flight was surprisingly on-time. It was the baggage retrieval that nearly took over an hour that Miguel was getting impatient.
Miguel would often ask, “Why is it taking so long?” I would explain that planes arrived one after another, and each probably had 300 plus passengers and thus, this would take more time.
But I guess, inefficiency, contributed more to the delay than volume. How can we expect the country to move forward at a pace like Vietnam or even Singapore, when our front line airport services are not efficient. But that would be another blog.
Mom quickly hugged Miguel upon seeing the fast-growing boy. Now, he was the only apo staying at home, and had all the focus and heart than lola could give.
Until, Chief and I become grandparents would we really feel all the affection and care my mom has for all her apos, Carla, Geneve, Nicole and Miguel.
Parenthood will ultimately lead to grandparenthood!
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