Thursday, February 14, 2008

Making parents proud

So far, so good. All my thesis students so far have successfully defended and passed their thesis, which started last Monday.

Yup, after nearly a year of consultation with my 17 students, the day of reckoning has arrived. It was really like handling and developing 17 campaigns for different brands.

Even, when Cecile and I were in the States, interaction with the students continued, thanks to yahoo messenger. Probably not as much as my students, I did have my share of long nights, plus frustrations and disappointments.

Now, cheers and smiles for most of my students. Gian Nealega was first to bring home the bacon. His thesis on “green IT” by Hewlett Packard had earned the right to be part of thesis exhibit next year. Cecile had already predicted that Gian’s work would be recognized. While the creatives were not “fantastic” Gian’s confidence and presentation style would convince the three jury well and good.

Only two had some initial troubles. Patricia Parreno and Lyan Go, who didn’t have their thesis books on hand on the day of defense. I quickly defended saying “The students definitely don’t deserve to fail because their thesis books had been delayed as all their creative materials were produced and mounted.” It really easy to match what they were saying with the ppt presentations and the creative materials. “At the very least, they could earn a ceiling grade.”

Today, Marianne Quan (Play-Doh Event) and Eia Belveder (Justice League) are in-line to present their work.

Am confident they will do good and make their parents proud. And that would be a really nice Valentine’s present to their parents! And to Cecile too!

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