Friday, June 16, 2006

The 5 Year Wait

We had waited for nearly 5 years for Christian Gabriel to come into our lives.

Getting Chief pregnant was also one of the reasons why we opted to return to Manila. To live and work in a less-stressful environment. Not that advertising work in Manila is less stressful. Chief as MD of McCann Vietnam just had more responsibilities. More bottom-line figures to meet. Plus, nearly 30 men and women all seeking her attention and advice.

My life too was stressful, but not as much as Chief. Doing PR work for Korean, French, and even Vietnamese clients can indeed test your patience in a multi-cultural environment.

I remember one December weekend in 2004, Chief travelled to Hanoi where conducting a training program for the Hanoi School of Business. We had to continue our “baby making” plans during those cold winter nights.

The “baby making plan” continued through many nights after watching David Letterman and Jay Leno here in Makati City.

A couple of months ago, we were finally successful. CG was conceived! The nearly 5-year wait was over. Family and friends were euphoric. Tears of joy were shared with families. Our parents. Sisters and Brothers. Even the "bugoys" shared these joyous moments. Even Carla, Geneve and Nicole from far away California heard the news from our mom.

Between the few friends who knew about it. Ems Abrera. Rikki Arches. Joey Venezuela. Bingo and Mila Pantaleon. Tessie Chanco. Agnes Francisco. Ninong Bert and Tita Ditas. Ninang Sally.

All that excitement and exhilaration would last only for 7 weeks and one day… or 50 days, CG stopped breathing last week. A life was lost. But surely, an angel gained. An angel named Christian Gabriel.

And the wait begins again.

1 comment:

mafaldaSpeaks said...

I suppose parenthood does come in mysterious ways, just as God is mysterious. And since God knows what he's doing, he will reward you with the best form of parenthood at a time you probably won't even suspect. Here's to two of the most generous people I have ever met!